Contact Us

Stay in touch and get the latest updates by following our social media accounts!

Looking to get involved as a volunteer?

Email for questions regarding volunteer opportunities or the application process.

Please direct questions regarding volunteer training to

Interested in booking a speaker event?

For information regarding our Awareness and Prevention Team and speaker events please email

Looking to make food or hygiene product donations?

Contact Marilyn at to find out more on how you can help!

Looking to make a donation to our Repurposed thrift store?

Check out our store at 7805 McKnight Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15237.
We accept gently used clothing and household items. To see a list of what we do not accept click here.

Donations are accepted in the store on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10 AM - 5 PM

For furniture donations, please call our store ahead of time to let our staff know when to expect you and how to prepare appropriate space for the items. Call or text 412-748-0487 or email for information about our monthly furniture pick-up service.