Repurposed Thrift Store

Living in Liberty operates a thrift store in the Pittsburgh area. Our store, Repurposed for the Thrifty Shopper in You, is located on McKnight Rd. and boasts two stories of gently used housewares, furniture, books, clothing, and more; this store also hosts our Sozo Boutique & cafe, a fair trade shop filled with items made by survivors of trafficking worldwide.

Our Repurposed store provides critical, financial support to sustain the rest of our work as an organization. It also serves as a platform for raising awareness about human trafficking globally and in Pittsburgh, as we seek to educate our shoppers about the reality of trafficking and the cause that they support through their patronage.

Donations to the store may be distributed by our street outreach team. They may also help to provide our safe home residents with necessities when they come to live with us or when they are ready to be established on their own.

Safe home residents also have the opportunity to gain valuable job skills and professional training by working at the store during their time with us. They may also continue to find employment at our Repurposed store after they complete their program at the home.

Our thrift store is run by a small paid managerial staff and a host of faithful volunteers. Repurposed volunteers help to sort and price donations, maintaining orderly displays and racks, clean, provide handyman assistance where necessary, and assist customers. Other volunteers may help to coordinate or participate in our monthly furniture donation pick-up runs. Some volunteers may also assist in collecting necessary donations for weekly distribution by our street outreach teams.

Volunteering at the store may be a weekly or monthly commitment, or may be a one-time group volunteer opportunity.